Monday, January 18, 2010



Lifes perfect
I hit the wall of reality
Life smacks me in the face
Everything is making sense
Why did you leave me?
Why did you not answer my call?
Do you not care that I am alone?
Do you not realize I need a friend holding my hand helping me through
every up and every down?
I cant be alone
My thoughts run crazy alone
will you ever answer my calls?
Will you please stick by my side
Stay near me
Staring at a blank spot on the wall
tears crawl down my face
Please dont leave me
Please answer my calls
Be my helpful hand
Hold me through it all
Love me
Laugh with me
Live with me

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I wish

I Wish

Why do people have to constantly get into other peoples business
Why is there always that one guy who bullies and picks on me
I try my hardest to fit in
I dress, do my hair, EVERYTHING possible
Just to fit in a smidge more.
I have a huge group of friends
And even some of them I dont fit in with.
Sometimes I just wish I was invisible
Then I'd fit in a little more
Wherever I am
I wish only teachers could see me
Only my parents
Only my true friends
My boyfriend
The people that really matter to me
I wish I could go everyday as myslef
no one else
Not having to fit in
Not having to worry about the bully
about everyone around me
What they are saying
What they are whispering
I wish I fit in just a little bit
I wish people wouldn't just until they got to know me
I am not mean
I wish everyone could have a kind heart
I wish a lot of things but know that everyday that we go on
Only of few things will come true
Yet I still wish