Hello-Happiness, Goodbye-Tears
Alexandra Greer
do you know the point of them?
Simply to make you feel worse about yourself.
I feel good while I am crying
Its the after math that kills
it makes you even more depressed
Sometimes I wish God would take tears a way.
Leaving rainbows of happiness.
You know that that would be great
Everyday leaves a knew challenge each one worse then the next, or thats how we feel.
Well the worst is saying Good bye.
That one is the hardest of them all.
Your with the one you love, just being happy.
then the day comes you have to say good bye.
sure it is the best for both of you.
sure it is what God wants but you know it is the so hard.
Just that one word.
It's awful.
you know, that one word can lead you into the raining and pouring down of
Simple as that.
Good bye and your crying up a storm. Sure it probably feels great.
But dont forget of how your going to feel after,
not better but worse.
What if when God took tears away he also took
Goodbye away.
That way we would only have hello.
Would that simply leave forever love and happiness.
Or is there more to get in the way of that.
I guess we wont know.
If we do know its cause we are in Heaven, thats where everything is Perfect.
But we'll just have to wait and see that beautiful place until God wants us there.
So for now, we have happiness and tears.
Hellos and Goodbyes.
And You know we will live!
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